Marine Applications



GO Wax Lube is the perfect lube to both lubricate your boat parts and keep the rivers, lakes and oceans free of pollution. Our lube is eco-friendly, non-toxic to fish and 100% biodegradable.

GO is widely used on both power and sailing boats to prevent corrosion, keep parts lubricated and functioning smoothly, and in an ocean environment to keep salt deposits out of parts and equipment.

Use it to protect your engine with a fine wax spray that will prevent harsh sea water corroding and rusting parts. The wax film prevents oxidation so corrosion can’t take hold. You can also use it on cables, hinges, latches, etc. to keep them operating smoothly.

On sailing boats some of the applications include lubricating the main sheet and genoa car travellers, the masthead, spinaker pole beak, etc.

It has even been used on life jacket zips to keep them operating smoothly and safely.

GO’s effectiveness in this environment has seen boat owners switching over from more expensive industry specific specialised products as the value proposition is higher.

[icon name=”check” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] GO Wax Lube is available in the following sizes:

  • 120ml (4.06 fl.oz)
  • 500ml (16.9 fl.oz) Squeeze and SprayWax spray bottles
  • Engines
  • Steering cables
  • Throttle cables
  • Main sheet cars
  • Genoa car travellers
  • Masthead
  • Spinaker pole beak
  • Blocks
  • Latches and hinges
  • Life jacket zips
How to apply
  1. Clean parts and cables with GO Eco Degreaser if necessary
  2. Ensure parts are DRY
  3. Shake GO Wax Lube/SprayWax bottle well.
  4. Apply wax (via squeeze bottle or SprayWax bottle) onto parts to be lubricated. Spread with cloth or finger if necessary to ensure 100% coverage, or operate part to ensure coverage / penetration where you can’t reach.
  5. For rust protection on engines and larger surfaces, use SprayWax, adjust nozzle and spray parts with fine mist.
  6. Allow to dry.
  7. In wet conditions it is important to allow lube to dry completely before exposing to water. Once dry, GO Wax Lube/SprayWax repels water.
GO Spray Wax has been successfully utilised on a Carter 33 sailing vessel on an ongoing basis for a two year period.

We have an older design boat which requires quite a lot of adjustments when you are at sea to get right sheeting angle, and GO SprayWax offers us the perfect solution to lubricate our cars.

It excels in many areas and, in particular, keeping sea water out of blocks. On the masthead it has lasted 9 – 12 months so we are very happy with the product.

All in all it displays lubricating properties and performance equal to significantly more expensive, purpose made products for the marine environment.

Geoff Goddard

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